Bloom where you’re planted

Bloom where you’re planted


This is what I have always told my boys.

Sometimes life just doesn’t seem fair.

Sometimes life is just plain not fun!

And sometimes ya just gotta put in that little extra bit of elbow grease- a/k/a work.

But one thing is certain…God has allowed our situation and placed us in this moment for a reason.

Don’t worry about the negativity…don’t worry about the criticism (from anyone else, or from yourself!) for there will always be criticism no matter what you do.

Don’t worry about the heavy load or the road ahead…and when it gets to be too much or is just plain not fun anymore, you continue to be the best ‘you’ you can be.

You do you, and don’t worry about what anyone else does or says.

Eyes forward, pushing onward towards the goal for God’s glory (not for yours or any other man’s).

This season will not last forever.

Always walk uprightly and “Bloom where you are planted!”

“Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might …” (Ecclesiastes 9:10).


What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?


I love this little Instagram square from 100 Days of Pressing Pause….so much truth!

You don't have to have a pulpit or platform

There are so many ways to ‘soak in’ Jesus every day, and 100 Days of Pressing Pause is one of those ways I love to do that.  I have intentional quiet time most every day, but I also look forward to gleaning from apps like First5, Proverbs31, InTouch Ministries, and this ↑ during the day.

This one sentence sums up how I’d like to handle my life, which includes my blog and social media.  Not one good thing I have gotten was obtained on my own abilities, for every good and perfect gift comes from God.  Therefore, I MUST boast not on anyone or anything other than my heavenly Father.

Having said that, I’m about to be uncomfortably transparent.  I don’t like to get all up in my feelings unless they are good feelings, but…

Here it goes…

I have struggled with ‘what I want to be when I grow up’.  I’m 48 years old, for goodness sake; at this stage in my life, I should have that all figured out, right?  But…I don’t.

What instigated this insecurity of mine was watching my two boys head off to college; my youngest is studying Criminal Justice and my oldest just graduated with a nursing degree and jumped right into working full time while heading back to school later this month.  How my heart swells with pride seeing what direction they’ve headed and to see what fine young men they have turned out to be!  They have focus and direction….something that seems to be lacking in my head at the moment.

I went to college for four years but never received a degree due to changing my major twice, then getting married and moving out of state.  I had one year and a half of studies left, but I never picked up where I left off.  Truth be told, I never wanted to.  I don’t know what I want to ‘be’ now any more than I did back then! (ha)

What if I did go back to school?   I don’t want to major in what I was majoring in back then, but what would I do?  What would my focus of study be? Would I even make it at my age? Is that something I truly want to do at this stage in my life?  I mean, my family is my life!  I would have to be selfish and force myself to neglect those things and loved ones who I’m not used to neglecting.  My boys are in college, yes, but I’m still actively “mommin'” and I don’t want to relinquish that responsibility at this point, especially if for selfish reasons.

Let’s get real, here.  If I TRULY wanted to go back to school, I would make it happen.  I just don’t have a passion strong enough to do so.

I’ll tell you what  I DO have a passion for:

  1.  My number one passion is to write. I communicate much better with the pen than I do with the mouth!  My desire is not ‘just’ to write;  my desire is to write about those things that God reveals to me and has done for me….the blessings of my life (hence the blog title ‘A Life Blessed’.)
  2. Another passion of mine is my home.  I love everything about the home….FAMILY (always!), DIYs of all kinds, dècor – inside and outside, smell goods – blankets & throws – pretties – flowers – even cleaning….you name it, I love it! (Maybe I love more the end result!)  Having said that, I’ve just not had much of a chance to nurture this particular passion with me working full time, and with my home dwellers being 75% male and 200% sports! My husband coached 2 sports for 22 years and, thankfully, is now down to one sport.  However, he’s been known to give lessons on the side.  He also coached my boys in each of their travel ball teams, starting when my oldest was 10 years old (he is now 21).  One son was in 2 different sports and my youngest was, at some point, in 3 different sports.  My youngest went to college on a baseball scholarship, and so the baseball travel continues!  I love it!  (I’d be out of luck if I didn’t!) I’m just sayin….if it didn’t happen on the sports field, then it didn’t happen!
  3. A new passion of mine is my health journey.  I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis approximately 9 years ago and this autoimmune disease has caused other issues.  This was the year I finally reached the point of no return in trying to turn my health around…and trying to do it naturally through food rather than having to rely on synthetic medicine.  I mentioned this was a new journey, and I’ve still got a long road ahead of me.  But this journey has actually been fun and exciting as I’m learning what works for me and what doesn’t.  Knowledge is power, and without knowledge, we perish.  All of our days on earth are already numbered anyway, but why not make my time on earth much more pleasurable by being the healthiest version of me that I can be, right?  I want to be able to enjoy my grandkids one day, and if I don’t make these changes, then I won’t be able to.
  4. Y’all.  I love makeup.  There, I said it.  I JUST DO!!!!  I love any kind of beauty products that you can throw my way!!  I am definitely not one of those gals that have to be dressed to the nines all the time – I live in jeans and a t-shirt with my hair in a messy bun or ponytail.  I’m barefoot as much as possible, but I just love makeup!

The trouble with these passions (except for my #1) is that when you A) live on a tight budget, then it’s hard to be able to do these things. And #2) is my main issue…when you don’t have any extra time in your schedule, then…well…when ya gonna do it??

I am just reaching a stage in life where I’m in view of being able to do these things…they may be seen at a distance, but I can see them nonetheless!  And I’m ready!!  I’m ready to write….I’m ready to DIY…. I’m ready to exercise (Ummm, maybe?) …and I’m ready to play in makeup! (ha) I’m ready to finally be able to do ‘all the things’!

So, just get ready! (Or, shall I say ‘be warned’!)  I’m gonna be writing about ‘all the things,’ but in doing ALL THE THINGS…I will ALWAYS try to give my Lord & Savior the glory all the while trying to point others to Jesus.   HE is the ONLY reason I’m able to do it at all.

I may not know what I want to be when I grow up, but THIS is what I want to do with my life.  THIS, is wherein my passion lies.

This blog, my social media, etc…..THIS is my pulpit and my platform.  And may He be the main focus of the knowledge that I seek and the wisdom that is imparted unto me.

May I have fun learning along the way!!

Have you met the calling on your life?  I would love to hear all about what it is, your passion for it, and how finding your calling has impacted your life.

If you haven’t found your calling just yet, what do you want to be when you grow up?

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. ~Ephesians 2:10


Beautiful Freckles

Beautiful Freckles

This is a snapshot of the sky I captured recently.

I couldn’t tell you when I took it, for I am always snapping pics of the sky.

I love the sky, the clouds, and basically love the beauty of anything outdoors – even storms! I am just in awe of the purity of nature; such a reflection of the majesty and power of our Creator.

Speaking of purity, this was part of my study (Momentum) during my quiet time this morning. Did you know that God calls us to pursue purity, or holiness? (Matthew 5:8)

Purity does not mean sinlessness. If it did, no one would ever be pure in heart nor would they ever see God.

A great analogy is a face sprinkled with freckles. A face may be beautiful without being perfect, and purity in a Christian is not perfection.

However, we cannot expect God’s blessings and continue to give ourself to idols. A pure heart is an undivided heart, one that doesn’t straddle the fence or try to embrace Christ and the world at the same time.

Purity is the singleness of purpose that characterizes the pure in heart…and purity of heart is to will one thing.

“Teach me your will, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name” (Psalm 86:11).

A New Journey

A New Journey

A couple of months ago, I started a new journey.  A journey to be the healthiest version of me I can be. 
There are many, many reasons I could give for beginning this new adventure, but the most important reason is to be a good steward of the temple God gave me while here on earth.
Approximately 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease where the immune cells mistakenly attack your thyroid.  The thyroid gland is an essential organ for producing thyroid hormones, which maintain body metabolism.  Despite its small size, it has a critical role in determining how our bodies function, and, ultimately, how well we feel.  The thyroid controls the body’s metabolism, which is the energy supply that is essential for all bodily functions.  Think of the thyroid gland as an automobile’s fuel pump. (Taken from
I recently read an Instagram post from @outsmartdisease which I felt was well spoken.  It is hard to explain to anyone how you feel and have them truly understand because thyroid disease is an invisible disease.  Your doctor can do everything synthetically possible on his/her side of your story to try to help, but the dosage of meds usually just keeps increasing, or it was in my case.
Hashimoto’s can also cause many health issues, and when reading about them, I found myself to be a poster child for them.  These other health issues are the reason I am on a journey to use food and natural supplements as medicine, as much as possible, to help find the root cause and prevent further issues. I only have one temple on this earthly journey, and if I want to enjoy life here on earth, it is my job to be a good steward of it. 

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit … received from God?
You are not your own; you were bought for a price.
Therefore, honor God with your bodies” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Read the particular post below from @outsmartdisease which I referenced above.
Life with hypothyroidism and autoimmune Hashimoto’s isn’t easy… but unfortunately, not everyone sees it this way. With low thyroid, you quickly run out of energy and often are not able to do your usual daily tasks. Some people who don’t understand how challenging life with thyroid disease is may even get so rude and call you lazy… They don’t understand that you are actually putting a tremendous effort and still trying to keep things going when in fact you are fatigued, depressed and tired all the time. Many hypothyroid patients are masquerading as a normal person day after day at work, at home, in front of their family and friends and don’t share their thyroid life experiences because they were rejected so many times, didn’t find any understanding and compassion from people around them. How thyroid disease affects your life? Click the link in my Instagram profile bio @outsmartdisease.

Do you struggle with debilitating fatigue, hair loss, dry skin, heat & cold sensitivities, among other symptoms?  You may have thyroid issues.  Contact your doctor and have him check your thyroid levels.
Dr. Izabella Wentz, who is my #1 resource for thyroid disease, offers information on the top 10 thyroid tests and how to interpret them.  Click on the link to her article Top 10 Thyroid Tests and How To Interpret Them by Dr. Izabella Wentz.


I have a habit of starting a book before I’ve finished reading my most current selection, leaving me to read multiple books at one time.  I’m not exactly sure why I do that; it’s not that I get bored, it’s just what I do and have always done. I do admit that sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming to think of all of my unfinished ‘projects’, but nonetheless, I still have this way about me.  I have found myself in the middle of 3 or more books before, and notice a new book on the market that looks really good, and I think to myself “I HAVE to have that book!”  Do I feel like I’m gonna ‘miss the boat’ on something good if I don’t get it right away?  Truthfully, sometimes I do feel that way.  Maybe I have a little attention deficit disorder,  I don’t really know, but I DO know this:  #1) I just love books, specifically those that help nurture and deepen my relationship with Christ, and  #2) My time to read is very limited. These both are definitely contributing factors to this little habit of mine.  So, I would say it’s just a good thing I haven’t ordered any new books in over a year!
This morning I picked up a reading I’d put down for a while called ‘Momentum’ by  Colin Smith. I reread the last chapter I’d already completed in order to ‘get back in the swing of things’ and help reacquaint myself with that chapter so I can continue forward with ‘momentum’.  (Get it?  ha)
My reading today dealt with mercy and forgiveness with the scripture reading from Ephesians 4:30-32.
The title of this chapter is ‘I Care About Others: The Joy of Complete Forgiveness’.
You know, I’ve never thought of myself as one who is not willing to forgive, but introspection has found me guilty. It usually does, every time.  It’s not that I hold on to bitterness, per say, but rather hold on to the hurt.  Holding on to either one is dangerous, for both represent unforgiveness.
One thing about this book is that it is chock-full of richness, so much so that I usually read fractions of a chapter at a time, highlighting those areas that resonate with me and writing them in my journal along with my thoughts and revelations. Since there is no way I can convey all the goodness from this chapter in one sitting, the following are just mere fractionated adaptations of the gleanings I took from today’s reading:
Most people want to forgive, but some don’t know how to get there. If a great wrong has been done to you, you may feel that forgiveness is impossible. However desirable forgiveness might be, it towers over you like a mountain that you cannot climb.  In this chapter, we will explore how you can pursue mercy and forgiveness.  These twin virtues belong together, and it is important to understand the relationship between them:

Mercy is broader than forgiveness, but forgiveness goes further than mercy.”

The whole point of the Christian life is that the character of Jesus is reproduced in the lives of His people, and that means a community of brothers and sisters who have compassionate hearts and act for the good of others. This is central to our calling. What God requires of us is “to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Mic. 6:8). That is why, to some leaders who misunderstood what God requires of us, Jesus said, “Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice'” (Matthew 9:13).
Wow.  This really spoke to me.
When I think of the Christian life, I automatically think ‘sacrifice’:
– dying to self
– sacrificing for others
– sacrificing your time
– sacrificing everything you know (comfort, money, possessions, etc.) for the good of the Kingdom
Although sacrifice and dying to self IS a part of the Christian life, a very important part, mercy is greater.
I’ve never concentrated on these 6 words from Matthew before today: “I desire mercy, and not sacrifice”.  And just think about it…..if you master mercy in your life, then sacrifice comes easy.
Smith goes on to give us opportunities where mercy can be shown in our lives:
  1. When you cross paths with someone who has a material need (i.e. The Good Samaritan)
  2. When you encounter a fellow Christian who is struggling in his or her walk with God. (“When a brother or sister in Christ is plagued with unanswered questions, their greatest need is the kindness and compassion of a believing friend who will come alongside and strengthen them in their faith… Your usefulness to Christ will increase as you become more tender toward others and sensitive to the needs they bear.”)
  3. When someone fails in a way that might bring them shame and embarrassment. “Love covers a multitude of sins” (I Peter 4:8), and a merciful person will look for ways to spare the blushes of the one who has failed.
  4. When we encounter gossip. (“A merciful person will close his or her ears to anything that would diminish their view of someone else…”)
  5. Have reasonable expectations. (“Always remember that if you were carrying your brother’s burden or facing your sister’s temptation, you might struggle and fail more than they do.”)
  6. When someone hurts or wrongs you. (If you have been wounded by another person, don’t be surprised if, at some point, God puts you in a position where you have the opportunity to pay them back. If that happens, what you do at that moment will reveal a great deal to you.”)
  7. Presenting the gospel to someone who is not yet a believer in Christ.
This next segment was the most resonating to me:
Imagine standing next to a hurdle on a race track. You are right up against it, and you can’t jump over it from a standing position. You have to back up and take a run at the hurdle.
Think about this picture in relation to your spiritual life. It is easy to get focused on one sin or problem that you want to overcome. ‘How do I get over my fear? How can I prevail over this lust, etc.?’ There you are, standing right next to the hurdle, and you can’t move forward from that position. You have to begin further back. You have to take a run at it and get some momentum.
I’ve found that in trying to help a person who is struggling with one particular battle, it is important to look not only at the problem but also at their general spiritual health. Is this person regularly engaged in worship? Do they pray? Is there a pattern of regularly feeding on the Word of God?  Is this person part of a small group where they are able to walk with and encourage others?  Cultivating your general spiritual health will enable you to take a run at the hurdle and to overcome the particular battle that has become so troublesome for you.
Six strides that will get you to forgiveness are presented in these verses:
  1. Remember that the Holy Spirit lives in you
  2. Don’t dwell on the injury (My personal struggle)
  3. Don’t fight and quarrel
  4. Have compassion toward the one who has hurt you
  5. Realize that you will need the forgiveness of others (Absolutely! This is a GREAT reminder!)
  6. Savor your forgiveness in Christ
Even when a person has hurt you badly, and is completely unaware of what he or she has done, if you practice these six strides, you will be ready at any moment to forgive.  Forgiveness will be in your heart and you will be ready to place it in the hands of the one who has wronged you, whenever he or she is ready to receive the gift.
When hurtful times happen in my life, I pray my focus not be on the injury but rather on things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, and excellent. May I be one who has the utmost of integrity and compassion for others, practicing mercy and forgiveness at all times, and may I be known for my gentleness. Most of all, may the love of Christ be shown in all ways and in all things.